Career and Technical Education
In today’s world CTE is important so that our children can understand responsibility; learn what is required to get and keep a job; receive information about and gain experience in careers of interest; and make informed choices for post-secondary education and life. All of California’s students need knowledge and skills for success and need to be prepared to make choices and manage their careers throughout their lifetimes.
Santa Rosa Academy offers high quality curriculum and instruction aligned with the California CTE Model Curriculum Standards that allow students to transition to post-secondary education programs that lead to a career pathway or attain employment upon graduation from high school.
In addition to classroom instruction, our program provides quality career exploration and guidance through internships and job shadowing with an emphasis in leadership development at the high school grade level. Students at the elementary and middle school grade levels have the opportunity to explore various career opportunities through workshops, electives, and classroom enrichment programs.
Santa Rosa Academy is forming structural industry and labor partnerships within our local region that reflects local labor and market demands focusing on high-skill, high-wage, and high-demand occupations through an advisory committee currently being established.
Our high school students completing a CTE pathway will have the opportunity to earn industry-recognized certificates.
Currently, we offer high school CTE pathways in the following:
• Business Management – 4 year program
• Design, Visual, and Media Arts – 4 year program
• Engineering – 4 year program
• Public Safety – Currently a 2 year program
• Business Management – 4 year program
• Design, Visual, and Media Arts – 4 year program
• Engineering – 4 year program
• Public Safety – Currently a 2 year program
Questions: Contact Dr. Crosby, Assistant Principal